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  • I am not flexible, can I do Yoga?"
    Yes, of course you can! Yoga is perfect for you, as it will help you gain flexibility, range of movement and strength. Many people think that they need to be flexible to begin Yoga... but the "final posture" is just that — final. The goal is to feel better within our body and within our life, not to post pictures of ourselves twisted into tight knots on Instagram. Anything that can bring you from where you are right now to more comfort, relaxation and health is beneficient. Yoga can transform you from "hard as the oak" to "supple as the reed" — and remember that bolsters can help you adjust the posture to your body.
  • Is anyone too old for Yoga?
    Absolutely not. Yoga is first and foremost a philosophy of life, and it is never too late to learn new ways of looking at things. As for the physical postures (asana), there are gentle ways of stretching your body — Yin Yoga is very good to (re)gain flexibility and range of movement. Here are some of my beautiful Yin yogis 🧡 You can read more about Yin Yoga here.
  • Does Yoga help reduce anxiety and depression?
    Yes. Yoga not only helps in easing the physical body, it can also help with anxious thoughts. The focus on deep breathing and stretching the body is effective for relieving sleep troubles, pain, and loss of energy. Yoga also increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain and inflammation, sharpens attention and concentration, and calms and centers the nervous system.
  • Can I practice Yoga if I am overweight?
    Of course you can! You don’t need a new body to start — Yoga will improve your body shape by helping you develop muscle tone, encourage fat loss and gain flexibility. It will also reduce the strain on joints and muscles by improving your alignment, allowing the frame to bear more of the body’s weight. Besides allowing your body to function better, Yoga calms the mind, decreases stress and relaxes the body.
  • Which style of Yoga is good for me?
    It depends of what you are looking for : Yin Yoga is a calm and deeply meditative style, where gentle seated or lying postures are held for several minutes, developing flexibility and relaxing body, heart and mind. It is suitable for all ages and body types. Read more about Yin Yoga here. Gentle Hatha sessions are slow-paced, stimulating the body with gentle and conscious movements. Unlike Yin which is passive and relaxing, Hatha actively involves the muscles in longer holds of simple asana. It is accessible to all ages and body types. Read more about Gentle Hatha here. Yoga Nidra is an ancient meditative practice that brings you into a state of profound relaxation where your consciousness functions at a higher level. The mind becomes more receptive, allowing to reprogram your subconscious patterns and reduce anxiety​. Read more about Yoga Nidra here.
  • Are the classes in English or French?
    Both : classes are given in English and/or French, depending on who is attending. Yoga Nidra sessions however, because they use specific and very precise language, are given in one language only, in alternation — English one week, French the other. Please contact Saraswati (here) to enquire about the session that you would like to join.
  • What do I need to begin?
    You will need : loose clothes that do not restrict your movements a mat (or carpet) that will allow you to be comfortable a bolster (or thick, hard pillow—aim for 15cm high) a light blanket You can find some nice, quality bolsters on Chin Mudra
  • What is Kirtan?
    Kirtan chanting is a fundamental practice of Bhakti Yoga, and the easiest and most joyful way to achieve peace of mind — it includes story-telling and a call-and-response chant, accompanied by traditional Indian musical instruments such as the harmonium, tabla and karatalas. In a world filled with messages about how we’re separate from each other, chanting mantras together unites us in a way that no other form of Yoga does. You can read more about Kirtan here.
  • What does Satsang mean?
    Meaning “in the company of truth” in Sanskrit, the Satsang gives us an authentic and spiritual experience of Yoga. It is a traditional activity in India, where being in a favorable environment allows an individual to elevate his mind from one that is worldly towards a higher level of thought. You can read more about Satsang here.
  • What is a mantra?
    A mantra is a sacred sound, word or group of words to help focus the mind. In Sanskrit, it is defined as Mananat Trayate Iti Mantrah. It means that by repetition (mananat) of which, you overcome/are protected by (trayate) is (iti) called mantra — it is the procedure which frees the mind from random thinking.
  • What is the meaning of Om Shanti?
    Om is said to be the primordial sound from which all creation springs. It is traditionally written AUM : A : waking (externalised) consciousness U : dreaming (internalised) consciousness M : dreamless (un) consciousness AUM : Om : Turiya, the fourth state of transcendental consciousness, consisting of the non-cognitive pure universal awareness. Shantimeans peace, rest, calmness, tranquility, or bliss. The chant Om, shanti shanti shanti is an invocation of peace in the body, speech, and mind.
  • What is the meaning of Namaste?
    Namaste means that my soul acknowledges yours — not just your light, your wisdom, your goodness, but also your darkness, your suffering, your imperfections. It is recognition and acceptance of the inexplicable divine absurdity, the miraculous woven into the ordinary, light and darkness intimately entwined in magical, messy humanity. It means that I honour all that you are, with all that I am. So, namaste, my fellow travellers. I'm so glad we're on this trek through the universe together!
  • Need more information?
    If you have a question you can't find the answer to, please use the Contact page 😄
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